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GRASAG Donates Projectors to PADA and a Television to GRASAG-ATOMIC Campus

Dear All,

I am pleased to inform you that the Executive Council of the Claudius-led administration has donated two projectors to the Pan African Doctoral Academy (PADA) to assist PhD students with their mock presentations and viva exams. 


Also, a 50-inch digital smart TV has been donated to GRASAG-Atomic Campus.


This initiative reflects our commitment to supporting the academic success of all graduate students at the University of Ghana. We believe that these projectors will be valuable resources for students as they prepare for their presentations and exams as well as the TV for recreational purposes.

Ready to Serve

The Executive Council


Issue Date: May 22nd, 2024

Ferdinard Fosu-Blankson

[Editor-In-Chief, GRASAG-UG]